A quick howto…
- Take a series of photos on your digital camera.
- Copy them onto your linux box.
- shrink the photos to a more managable size:
mogrify -verbose -resize 600x400 -quality 60% *.JPG
- Preview the animation with animate:
animate -delay 8 *
- Optionally rotate the image to match the exif information from your camera (mine was sideways):
exiftran -ai *
- Convert the jpg files to png: mogrify -format png *.JPG
- Create the flash animation from the PNG files:
png2swf -r 15 -o flower2.swf -v -X 399 -Y 600 *.png
- Create an html file to hold the animation containing the following:
<object> <param name="movie" value="flower2.swf" /> <param name="loop" value="true" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <embed src="flower2.swf" width="399" height="600" /> </object>
- Write a blog article to tell everyone about it ;-) “history” is a handy command for reviewing your activities for writing up your achievements.
And here it is, providing I’ve kept up with my hosting fees and not been slashodotted:
Update, that was an embedded flash file ^ which isn’t really a thing on the internet any more.
The original flash file: flower2.swf